Results for 'par Paulin J. Hountondji'

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  1. Que peut la philosophie?par Paulin J. Hountondji - 1981 - In Alwin Diemer (ed.), Symposium on philosophy in the present situation of Africa, Wednesday, August 30, 1978. Wiesbaden: Steiner.
  2.  21
    Un maître inoubliable: Paul Ricœur.Paulin J. Hountondji - 2021 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 12 (1):41-49.
    Dans cet essai autobiographique, précédé d’une courte présentation par Ernst Wolff, Paulin Hountondji retrace sa relation avec Paul Ricœur. Le rôle de Ricœur comme directeur de thèse est replacé dans le contexte de l’expérience de Hountondji avec le milieu philosophique parisien des années 1960 et de l’histoire plus longue de son propre développement académique. L’essai met en évidence les proximités entre Hountondji et Ricœur, mais identifie également des rencontres ponctuelles ou manquées.
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    Moraliser Dieu? Le retour à l’humain, condition de la paix mondiale.Paulin J. Hountondji - 2020 - Diogène n° 263-263 (3-4):97-104.
    La paix partout menacée est souvent en butte à l’intégrisme religieux qui prétend défendre des valeurs morales « au nom de Dieu », là où il bafoue l’humanité. C’est pourquoi, il est temps de moraliser Dieu : assurer à chacun la possibilité de croire ou de ne pas croire, ne pas introduire de hiérarchie au sein du polythéisme et inviter les croyants à se demander ce qu’ils font de leur foi. Car, en l’espèce, si les actes valent mieux que les (...)
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    fourteen Re apturing Paulin J. Hountondji.Paulin J. Hountondji - 1992 - In V. Y. Mudimbe (ed.), The Surreptitious Speech: Presence Africaine and the Politics of Otherness 1947-1987. University of Chicago. pp. 238.
  5. (1 other version)African philosophy: myth and reality.Paulin J. Hountondji - 1983 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    In this seminal exploration of the nature and future of African philosophy, Paulin J. Hountondji attacks a myth popularized by ethnophilosophers such as Placide Temples and Alexis Kagame that there is an indigenous, collective African philosophy, separate and distinct from the Western philosophical tradition. Hountondji contends that ideological manifestations of this view that stress the uniqueness of the African experience are protonationalist reactions against colonialism conducted, paradoxically, in the terms of colonialist discourse.
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  6. African Philosophy Myth and Reality /Paulin J. Hountondji ; Translated by Henri Evans with the Collaboration of Jonathan Rée ; Introduction by Abiola Irele. --. --.Paulin J. Hountondji - 1983 - Indiana University Press, 1983.
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    Struggle for Meaning: Reflections on Philosophy, Culture, and Democracy in Africa.Paulin J. Hountondji & K. Anthony Appiah - 2002 - Ohio University Press.
    In this volume, he responds with autobiographical and philosophical reflection to the dialogue and controversy he has provoked.
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    (2 other versions)How African is philosophy in Africa?Paulin J. Hountondji - 2018 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 7 (3):9-18.
    Let me straight from the beginning confess one thing: I am not happy with the phrase “African Philosophy” used to describe a subject-matter, a specific discipline in the university curriculum. Why? Because it seems to particularize a kind of intellectual production taking place in Africa and to deny its universal validity. It apparently means, to use the words by Jonathan Chimakonam himself, “a bordersensitive, culture-bound exclusive system that holds only in Africa and is not universally applicable” This particularization, however, has (...)
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    My Experience with Paul Ricœur.Paulin J. Hountondji - 2021 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 12 (1):50-59.
    In this autobiographical essay, introduced by Ernst Wolff, Paulin Hountonji gives an account of his relation to Paul Ricœur. A sketch of his own academic development and his experience of the Parisian philosophy milieu in the 1960s serves as background for his chosing Ricœur as his doctoral supervisor. The essay makes plain the proximities between Hountondji and Ricœur, but identifies also occasional and missed encounters.
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    Langues africaines et philosophie : L'hypothèse relativiste.Paulin J. Hountondji - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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    Das Universale konstruieren: Eine transkulturelle Herausforderung.Paulin J. Hountondji - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (6):899-913.
    This article starts by critically engaging with exclusion within the hegemonic European philosophical discourses based on racist and civilisational narratives both during the colonial past and in the present. As a counter-strategy, it rejects any defence of peripheral cultures based on particularist narratives or essentialising identities. In this light, it critically discusses the project of ethnophilosophy in the African context. The author defines relativism as a trap that imprisons postcolonial subjects rather than truly liberating them. The project of universalism is (...)
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  12. The Encounter of Rationalities.Paulin J. Hountondji (ed.) - 2004 - Sage Publications.
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    African Philosophy, Second Edition: Myth and Reality.Paulin J. Hountondji - 1996 - Indiana University Press.
    "Hountondji... writes not as an 'African' philosopher but as a philosopher on Africa.... Hountondji's deep understanding of any civilization as necessarily pluralistic, and often even self-contradicting as it evolves, is simply magisterial.... This is a precious gem of a book for anyone who wishes to reflect on civilization and culture." —Choice In this incisive, original exploration of the nature and future of African philosophy, Paulin J. Hountondji attacks a myth popularized by ethnophilosophers such as Placide Tempels (...)
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    La Rationalite, Une Ou Plurielle?Paulin J. Hountondji (ed.) - 2007 - Codesria?Unesco.
    Several well-known researchers participated in that debate, amongst whom Richard Rorty, Meinrad Hebga, Harris Memel-Fot?, and more than seventy philosophers, historians, anthropologists, literary critics, and psychoanalysts from various countries. Paulin J. Hountondji is a Professor of Philosophy at the National University of Benin Republic, joint-laureate of Mohamed El Fasi 2004 prize. He is the Director of the African Centre of Higher Education in Porto-Novo. The American version of his book? philosophie africaine? : critique de l'ethnophilosophie was awarded the (...)
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    Occidentalism, elitism; answer to two critiques.Paulin J. Hountondji - 1989 - Quest - and African Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):3-30.
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  16. The idea of philosophy in nkrumah's consciencism1.Paulin J. Hountondji - forthcoming - African Philosophy: A Classical Approach.
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  17. Le particulier et l'Universel.Paulin J. Hountondji - 1987 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 81 (4):(1987:janv./déc.).
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  18.  29
    Sur la philosophie africaine: critique de l'ethnophilosophie.Paulin J. Hountondji - 1977 - Paris: F. Maspero.
  19. Endogenous Knowledge: Research Trails.Paulin J. Hountondji (ed.) - 1997 - Codesria.
    Uncovering the wealth of traditional African knowledge and techniques has direct implications for the future development of the continent. This book is written against the background of the tragedy that most Africans are profoundly ignorant of the achievements of the past, let alone the traditions that are still upheld today. It is an exploration and analysis of Africa's historical roots, and the editor is one of Africa's most distinguished philosophers. Rich in detailed and original field research, the volume covers a (...)
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    Avant-propos.Paulin J. Hountondji - 2003 - Diogène 202 (2):3-4.
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    Tradition, Hindrance or Inspiration?Paulin J. Hountondji - 2000 - Quest - and African Journal of Philosophy 14 (1-2):5-12.
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    Pour une pédagogie du changement.Paulin J. Hountondji - 1996 - Quest - and African Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):37-66.
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    Um mestre inesquecível: Paul Ricœur.Paulin J. Hountondji - 2021 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 12 (1):60-70.
    In this autobiographical essay, introduced by Ernst Wolff, Paulin Hountonji gives an account of his relation to Paul Ricœur. A sketch of his own academic development and his experience of the Parisian philosophy milieu in the 1960s serves as background for his chosing Ricœur as his doctoral supervisor. The essay makes plain the proximities between Hountondji and Ricœur, but identifies also occasional and missed encounters.
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    Comments On Contemporary African Philosophy.Paulin J. Hountondji - 1970 - Diogenes 18 (71):109-130.
  25. Bilan de la recherche philosophique africaine: répertoire alphabétique.Paulin J. Hountondji (ed.) - 1987 - Cotonou, Bénin: Conseil interafricain de philosophie.
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    La production du savoir dans l'Afrique d'aujourd'hui: l'ancien et le nouveau.Paulin J. Hountondji (ed.) - 2009 - Porto-Novo: Centre africain des hautes études.
    pt. 1. Savoirs et pratiques. On mathematical ideas in African history and cultures -- Savoirs endogènes et defis de la modernité scientifique: réflexions d'un archéologue -- La culture africaine face aux excès de la technoscience: l'humanisme de Boubou Hama -- La crise écologique comme exigence d'un nouveua paradigme -- Autour du fait religieux: la théorie du choix rationnel et ses limites -- "Faiseurs de pluies" : les précipitations artificielles selon les méthodes "traditionnelles" et selon la technologie moderne -- Le sang (...)
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    Knowledge as a Development Issue.Paulin J. Hountondji - 2004 - In Kwasi Wiredu (ed.), A Companion to African Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 527–537.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The Critique of Ethnophilosophy The Origins of Ethnophilosophy and Ethnoscience Research into Endogenous Knowledge versus Ethnoscience Knowledge and Development.
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  28. Preface.Paulin J. Hountondji - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (2):3-4.
    Porto-Novo (Benin), 19-21 September 2002. A conference on ‘The encounter between rationalities’, jointly organized by the Centre Africain des Hautes Etudes, the UNESCO network ‘Paths of Thought’ and the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (ICPHS), took place there on the occasion of its 26th General Meeting. Seventy-two delegates from 33 countries. An ambitious academic programme, which, like all such programmes, we knew quite well we would never be able to cover, had been drawn up in four sections.
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    La quête du sens: mélanges offerts à Paulin Hountondji à l'occasion de ses 80 ans.Paul Christian Kiti, Désiré Médégnon, Aloyse Raymond Ndiaye, Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux, Hervé Hountondji, Wole Soyinka, Ebénézer Njoh-Mouellé & Paulin J. Hountondji (eds.) - 2021 - [Bénin]: Star Editions.
  30. The pitfalls of being different.R. Scott Walker & Paulin J. Hountondji - 1985 - Diogenes 33 (131):46-56.
    It is with these virile words of the Martinique poet Aimé Сésaire, an expression of assurance regained, testimony to a self-confidence once stolen but then reconquered, that I would like to open my remarks.*Africa was present at the last great international philosophical meeting two years ago in Montreal. I would like here to illustrate the meaning behind this presence and to explain the reasons why we wanted to be present, in order to avoid facile misunderstandings which could have weighty consequences.
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  31. On Paulin J. Hountondji and The Notion of “Influence” in Modern African Intellectual History: An Interview with Carmen De Schryver (Part I). [REVIEW]Zeyad El Nabolsy & Carmen De Schryver - 2023 - Borderlines.
    Interview with Carmen De Schryver on her work on Paulin Hountondji.
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  32. African Philosophy : Paulin J. Hountondji- His Dilemma and Contributions.Nkeonye Otakpor - 1990 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 17 (2):173.
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    "No Less Than A Complete Revolution": On Paulin J. Hountondji's Negative Pluralism.Thomas McGlone, Jr - 2022 - Symposium 26 (1):242-259.
    In this article, I analyze a concept central to the work of the Beninese philosopher Paulin Jidenu Hountondji: pluralism. Hountondji’s pluralism consists of both a theoretical pluralism, which emphasizes the importance of plurality and debate within philosophy and science, and a politico-economic pluralism, which arises in opposition to the dominative tendencies of cultural nationalism and the capitalist world-system. I contend that at the heart of both Hountondji’s theoretical and politico-economic pluralism rests a concept of negative pluralism, (...)
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  34. HOUNTONDJI, PAULIN J. African Philosophy: Myth and Reality. [REVIEW]Dorothy Emmet - 1984 - Philosophy 59:136.
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    Paulin Hountondji: African Philosophy as Critical Universalism.Franziska Dübgen & Stefan Skupien - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Paulin J. Hountondji is one of the most important and controversial figures in contemporary African philosophy. His critique of ethnophilosophy as a colonial, exoticising and racialized undertaking provoked contentious debates among African intellectuals on the proper methods and scope of philosophy and science in an African and global context since the 1970s. His radical pledge for scientific autonomy from the global system of knowledge production made him turn to endogenous forms of practising science in academia. The horizon of (...)
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  36. L'apôtre Paul et la parousie de Jésus Christ: L'eschatologie paulinienne et ses enjeux.J. -N. Aletti - 1996 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 84 (1):15-41.
    L'interprétation de l'eschatologie paulinienne est dominée par la question de son rapport avec l'apocalyptique juive. Les points communs, soulignés par J.C. Beker à la suite de E. Käsemann, ne sont pas contestables, mais ne doivent pas occulter des différences notables, qui tiennent à la prééminence du Christ dans la vision paulinienne des événements de la fin. Ni l'attente ni le retard de la parousie ne semblent avoir eu, quoi qu'on en dise, d'influence décisive sur la pensée de l'Apôtre, mais bien (...)
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    Prostitution et sexualité à Athènes à l’époque classique. Autour des ouvrages de James N. Davidson (Courtesans and Fishcakes. The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens, 1997) et d’Elke Hartmann (Heirat, Hetärentum und Konkubinat im. [REVIEW]Claudine Leduc & Pauline Schmitt Pantel - 2003 - Clio 17:137-161.
    À des « antiquisants » séduits par les publications de K. J. Dover, de P. Veyne et de E. Cantarella, à un lectorat pétri des travaux de M. Foucault, l’ouvrage de J. D. Davidson propose une autre « histoire des plaisirs » dans la démocratique Athènes, une approche plus complexe et plus souple parce qu’elle entend se dégager de l’opposition prégnante entre sexualité active et sexualité passive. Sa lecture est d’autant plus passionnante que l’ouvrage plus récent de F. Dupont et (...)
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  38. Préface.par Souleymane Bachir Diagne - 2022 - In Bado Ndoye (ed.), Paulin Hountondji: leçons de philosophie africaine. Paris: Riveneuve.
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    The Conditions of Philosophy in Totalitarian and Post‐Totalitarian Poland.Leszek Koczanowicz & Adam J. Chmielwski - 1997 - Metaphilosophy 28 (4):404-416.
    This compound paper presents the views of two Polish philosophers on the strong international pressures influencing the development of Polish philosophy in recent times. The first part, by Leszek Koczanowicz, treats the philosophical situation and problems of totalitarian Poland under the influence of Soviet Marxism, while the second part, by Adam Chmielewski, focuses on the main trends and difficulties of post‐totalitarian Poland, dominated by Western influence.
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    On the origins of selves and self-control.C. Fergus Lowe & Pauline J. Home - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):689-690.
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    Struggle for Meaning: Reflections on Philosophy, Culture, and Democracy in Africa.John Conteh-Morgan (ed.) - 2002 - Ohio University Press.
    _The Struggle for Meaning_ is a landmark publication by one of African philosophy's leading figures, Paulin J. Hountondji, best known for his critique of ethnophilosophy in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In this volume, he responds with autobiographical and philosophical reflection to the dialogue and controversy he has provoked. He discusses the ideas, rooted in the work of such thinkers as Husserl and Hountondji's former teachers Derrida, Althusser, and Ricoeur, that helped shape his critique. Applying his (...)
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  42. (1 other version)African Philosophy: Myth and Reality.Paulin Hountondji - 1974 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 1 (2):1--16.
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  43. Aspects and Problems of Philosophy in Africa.Paulin Hountondji - 1984 - In Unesco (ed.), Teaching and Research in Philosophy: Africa. UNESCO. pp. 11--20.
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  44. Charabia et mauvaise conscience: Psychologie du langage chez les intellectuals colonises.Paulin Hountondji - 1967 - Présence Africaine 61:11--31.
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  45. Remarques sur la philosophie africaine contemporaine.Paulin Hountondji - 1970 - Diogène 71:120--140.
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  46. Culture Pour Tous les Temps.Paulin Hountondji (ed.) - 1984 - UNESCO.
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  47. On 'African Philosophy'.Paulin Hountondji - 1983 - Radical Philosophy 35:20.
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    Pluralism - True and False.Paulin Hountondji - 1973 - Diogenes 21 (84):101-118.
    Cultural pluralism generally signifies three things:1)the fact of cultural plurality, considered as the co-existence of cultures which, in principle at least, belong to different geographical areas;2)the acknowledgement of the fact of this plurality;3)the affirmation that this plurality is a good thing, and the desire to make something of it in one way or another, either by preserving the various cultures in an individual sense in order to avoid any kind of reciprocal contamination, or, conversely, by organising between them a kind (...)
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  49. Les nouveaux enjeux de l’anthropologie: Autour de Georges Balandier.Paulin Hountondji - 1990 - Research in African Literatures 21 (3):5--15.
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  50. Producing Knowledge in Africa Today.Paulin Hountondji - 1995 - African Studies Review 38 (3):1--10.
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